Mr Phillip Jordan
Road Safety Engineering Advisor to JPRI

Mr Phillip Jordan is the founder, Principal Consultant and Managing Director of Road Safety International. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering and a Master of Engineering Science (Transportation) degree.
After a distinguished technical career of 32 years in VicRoads (the road authority for the State of Victoria, Australia) Phillip has been a successful consultant since 2005.
He has been a pioneer in the field of Road Safety Audits and had advised and assisted in the implementation of the road safety audit process for various donor agencies (World Bank, ADB), government agencies, Universities and road authorities. He is also well versed with blackspot identification and treatment, particularly the development of low-cost countermeasures to address local conditions.
With experience in almost 40 countries, including most of the South Asia and SE Asian countries, he is in demand for road safety engineering advice.He is actively engaged in training professionals on a wide spectrum of road safety engineering topics.
Phillip advises the Road Safety Engineering Division of JP Research India Pvt. Ltd. on a variety of road safety engineering matters, including the cost effective treatment of hazardous locations and road safety audits.